Monday, September 22, 2008

Family Picnic

This past weekend we went to Rice Lake for a family picnic. It was at my parent's house for my dad's side of the family. The kids were excited because I told them we were having a party! Gavin still thinks anytime we leave the house we are going to a party!

It is always nice to see relatives that you don't get a chance to see very often. But with the kids I don't get much time to sit down and visit so have to do it while running to catch one of them. but overall the kids were really good. They enjoy being outside and we were outside most of the weekend. I really wish we lived in the country like my parents with lots of land and things to look at and explore. Our yard is so boring with no trees or plants! (We need to do some landscaping but that requires money and time that we don't have right now)

And some good news...Abby has slept through the night for the last 3 nights. She is up at the crack of dawn but I would much rather get up at 4:45 after sleeping 5-7 hours straight than be up every couple hours with her! Each night I put her to bed I keep waiting to hear her crying because I can't believe she could really be sleeping through the night. hopefully it lasts!

Wednesday night Gavin is going in for his first haircut! I will post pictures after we get done!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your sleeping! My son had the same sleep issues and that getting up can really wear you down. I hope it lasts!