Monday, July 14, 2008

I think I am raising a monster!

Gavin was very naughty with biting and hitting this weekend! On Sunday when he wanted a snack out of the pantry 10 minutes before dinner I told him no snacks and he started crying and insisting that I "help him". He was pulling on my hand to go help him open the pantry door. I again told him no and he leaned over while screaming and bit me in the arm! He has also been pushing and hitting Abby this weekend so I am going to have to figure out how to stop this before it gets any worse!

Abby was pretty good except when Gavin takes a toy away or she doesn't get her way she still throws herself on the floor and cries! We just ignore her and the tantrums seem to be getting shorter and shorter so I think she is starting to figure out that throwing a tantrum does not help her get her way!

Here is a picture of Abby accessorizing! she might not have hair yet but she likes to wear headbands! and the picture of Gavin is him right after I told him no (he was throwing one of his toys!) His expression says it all!

1 comment:

Jean said...

I really wish that suppernanny would come to my house and straighten my kids out. I'm having the same problems. Its so frustrating when they hurt each other and throw tantrums.