Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Talking up a storm

I am just amazed! Less than a week ago the kids were saying a word here and they are constantly talking and repeating everything they hear! Now we really have to watch what we say!

Monday night Gavin was playing with the radio and must have turned up the volume before he turned it on! When he hit the power button it was really loud and I said something about the music being loud. For the next 10 minutes Gavin was walking around the house saying "loud, loud" but it is so cute when he says it...he puts his tongue way out to say the L! It just cracks me up!

Last night I met a fellow member of the Mother of Multiples club to do some shopping for the summer picnic and while I was at Wal-Mart I puchased some tiny barrettes for Abby. This morning we tried to put some pretties in her hair but she just doesn't have enough but she still wanted me to try. and then she had to bring the whole strip of barrettes to daycare to show them off! when we were at daycare Gavin decided he wanted a pretty in his hair so I put one in for him! Daddy would not be happy!!!

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