Thursday, June 26, 2008

I love Wisconsin

I am back from Arizona and I have to say it really made me appreciate where we live! When I told people I was going to Arizona everyone said oh it won't be too bad it is a dry heat! I don't care what people is just plain hot, dry or humid! It was between 112 and 117 each day I was there and the breeze that was blowing felt like a someone had a giant heater blowing on me!

I think the kids really missed me while I was gone, since I have been home they have been very clingy and want to be held a lot! Hopefully I won't be gone from home again anytime soon! It was nice to get some sleep but I really missed them.

Now on to what is new with the kids...both are talking a lot but still only 1 or 2 words at a time. It won't be long and they will be starting to say sentences! I have noticed that they also repeat almost everything they hear so we really have to watch what we say. On Tuesday night we took the kids to The Little Gym for a free trial class. They LOVED it. they were running around exploring everything! Abby loved jumping on the big air mat and doing somersaults down the mat. Gavin liked walking on the balance beam and hanging on one of the bars. I was amazed how strong he was. I don't think I could hang on a bar and lift me legs in the air!!! I think we are going to sign them up for the Tuesday evening class but still haven't made a final decision.

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