Friday, October 24, 2008

Another illness!

I took Gavin to the doctor yesterday because his ear and breath were very smelly (and not a good smell) I thought for sure he had another ear infection but I was wrong. He has issues with his sinuses. The doctor checked out his ears, nose and throat and did not see any foreign objects in the nose or ears! He put Gavin on antibiotics and said if it didn't clear up soon we would probably have to go see the ENT doc so they could take a closer look up the nose and make sure Gavin didn't shove something up there! So I am praying it clears up on its own. he seemed in a much better mood already this morning so hopefully it is just a bug that will clear up soon!

Abby is developing some of the same symptoms so we are keeping a close eye on her...she will probably be going in next week for the same thing!

Abby has become quite the little mother hen...when Gavin gets in trouble by mom he also gets yelled at by Abby! Poor guy will probably always have 2 mothers and a little tattle tale to report all his actions to mom and dad!

Well...we still haven't gotten rid of the nuks! But it is more me than the kids I think. I know I need to just do it cold turkey and get it over with! We did a trial run last evening and you would think we broke a bone on Abby the way she was crying and screaming! I have been told by a few people to cut the tip off and tell her it is broken...maybe we will try this weekend. Hopefully by Monday we can report we are nuk free or at least have the nuk usage confined to nap and bed time!

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