Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Can't seem to find enough time...

I have good intentions of blogging at least twice a week but so far have not been doing a very good job! I am attempting to study for the CPA exam (BEC section) and have not been doing very well at that either. I take the exam August 27th so hope to have a little more time after that (at least until I start to study for another section!)

Updates on everyone: Abby is still in dance and loving it. She is a very independent child that can be rather difficult but can also melt your heart! She picks out her own clothes and doesn't want help with anything. She is going through a "mom has to do everything with/for her" stage so Pat doesn't get to do much with her lately.

Gavin just finished his 5 week tumbling class at the Y and loved it so we signed up for the next 5 week session. that starts next Wednesday! He also LOVES hitting his ball off the tee and having someone "catch" it for him! We also went to the Barron County Fair last weekend and he loves animals. He didn't want to leave. His sister spent the entire time at the fair glued to mom's leg or being carried.

Since my last post I have lost 1/2 a pound! better than going up I guess. I also went to the doctor on Tuesday because I have been having lots of headaches. At my appointment I also had very high blood pressure, which is very unusual for me. I have never had a bad blood pressure reading. I went in for a CT just to rule out anything abnormal in my head causing the headaches. I go back to the doc on Friday for a follow up and will discuss plans to stop my headaches. so wish me luck. Last night at home I realized that my high blood pressure is most likely related to two little kids that won't listen to their mother and are constantly testing the limits!!!

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