Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Busy 4th of July Weekend!

Thursday night my friend Crystal and I took her almost 5 year old and my two almost 3 year olds to see Half Empty downtown Appleton. They were really good and had a great time chasing each other in the grass and dancing to the music.

Friday I took the day off and the kids and I met a little girl from daycare for a play date at the park. They were very happy to see each other. I think the kids are enjoying being home for the summer but also miss their daycare friends! Hard to believe one month of "summer break" has gone by already! Friday night we went to a friends house to watch the City of Appleton fireworks. We grilled steaks, hamburgers & hotdogs and the kids played on a slip n slide. They had a great time. Gavin loved the fireworks and Abby started crying at the finale...must have been too loud for her!

Saturday we headed down to Grafton for a 2nd birthday party. It was a pool party and we learned that Gavin has no fear of water. Pat got in the pool and the kids were standing on the edge of the pool checking it out. They were taking their time so Pat turned to say hi to a friend and heard a splash...he looked over and didn't see Gavin and then realized he was at the bottom of the pool! Definitely time to get them in swimming lessons! We got home around 4 PM and my in-laws came down to visit the kids. Pat and I went to a movie (the Hangover) and out to dinner. It was nice to have a date with him, we don't get to chat much at home with the kids these days! I also found out that my in-laws are going to try taking the kids overnight this Saturday! I am so excited!!! I hope it goes well so it can happen more than one time!!!

Sunday we hung out at home and played/worked outside! It was nice to not have to go anywhere!

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