Monday, May 4, 2009

The illnesses continue!

We met with the ENT doctor last week and he thinks Gavin is on the path to having his adenoids and tonsils removed...but thinks he is too young to do it now. So his advice was to try and get him through the summer and re-evaluate in the fall. He did not think it was allergy related so I cancelled the allergist appointment!

Gavin is still miserable so I called our regular doctor and he thinks we should see the allergist so we are back on for Tuesday!

Abby went back to the doctor last Thursday...her ears were still draining and they stink! So we found out the antibiotic she was on did not work and she is on a new antibiotic that she hates so medicine time has become a real challenge...thank goodness for M & Ms!

The kids did get to play outside quite a bit this weekend...Gavin has a new motorcycle that he LOVES and rides it all the time. Abby sometimes rides with him or she rides her little 4 wheeler but gets really mad when the battery drains (which is quite quickly when they ride in the grass!)

I will post pictures of them riding together tonight or tomorrow and will keep everyone updated on our illnesses!

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