Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's new with the Kennedy's

Last Wednesday I had a ganglion cyst removed from my left wrist. I thought I would be back to work on Friday but my doctor has me off until May 19th. I am trying to get him to release me early but so far no luck. I should be making good use of my time off and be studying for the CPA exam but I always seem to find better things to do!!

Abby has a follow up appointment on Friday for her ear infection. She has been on 2 antibiotics and it still isn't completely cleared up...hopefully soon!

Gavin went to the allergist and they didn't anything he is allergic to but he did have a slight reaction to cats and since we have 2 cats we have to keep an eye on him! So I guess all his health problems are related to his tonsils/adenoids.

Abby starts dance class tonight...I hope she has fun. I am still looking for an event for Gavin to do!

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