Sunday, February 8, 2009

Potty training

Abby has been doing fantastic! Last week between Tuesday and Friday she only went one time in her diaper all the rest were on the potty...and most of the time she told her teacher she had to go potty! She has been doing good at home, but not quite as good as at daycare. I just try to remember to ask her if she has to go.

Today I decided to let her try training pants just to see how it would go. She did good until we went outside to play and then I think she was having too much fun to tell me she had to go potty!

And along with being a big girl using the potty she also developed a little (actually ALOT) more attitude! She has been very sassy the past few days. Talking back, whining, screaming, tantrums, you name it she is doing it! She has even started getting physical with Gavin and myself...hitting, biting, slapping.

Gavin is still not very interested in potty training. On occasion he will sit on the potty but hasn't actually gone on it in a quite a while. maybe once Abby is fully trained he will be ready! And Gavin's new thing this weekend was not taking a nap during the day. Saturday we fought with him for 2 hours to get him to lay down. Finally he fell asleep and slept for about an hour. Today he didn't take a nap at all but fell asleep around 5:30 and is still sleeping. I am sure he will now be up at 3 or 4 AM and want to stay up!

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