Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fun at McDonald's

Tonight the kids and I met my friend Lisa and her three kids (twins girls and a boy) at McDonalds. I forget how little you actually get to talk to people when you have young kids. I spent the evening chasing kids that were trying to escape from playland, taking kids to the bathroom to change diapers and helping them eat! But the kids had lots of fun...they love chicken and french fries!

Yesterday Santa came to visit the kids daycare and Abby is very afraid of him. The teachers told me that she cried when he came and then was very emotional after he left! The teacher also told me that when the kids start getting wild and naughty at daycare they have been telling them that Santa is watching and has his eye on them and I guess Abby has a meltdown when they say it. So we have to try to convince her Santa is not all that scary! I am sure she will love the presents he leaves (if she can be good that long :) )

Gavin is still sleeping in his crib even though we brought the toddler bed up. Hopefully this weekend we will take naps in the new bed and get him used to it so we can just have one bed in his room.

And lastly, I can't believe it is only 2 weeks until Christmas and I haven't even really started Christmas shopping yet! I better get moving before everything is sold out! maybe I will just do it online this year and hope it arrives on time!

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