Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Potty training adventures!

Over the weekend Abby told me she had to poop...so we headed into the bathroom and she gets on her potty and sits for awhile. (This is the usual routine, we sit for a LONG time and nothing happens). Gavin wanted something so I went into his room to help him and Abby comes running out telling me that she pooped. I tell her good job, stay in the bathroom I will be right there (all the while thinking she is still telling me she has to poop) so I go walking in the bathroom and she was telling the truth! She went poop in her potty. so I dump the little bucket out and we flush. Abby says poop bye, bye! and we praise her. Gavin still thinks going potty is just sitting on the potty chair in your pants and diaper and filling that up! But at least he is sitting on the potty. WE will eventually get there! :)

Tonight I was changing Gavin's diaper on his changing table when Abby says she has too poop. Before I can help her she goes in the bathroom, takes off her pants and diaper and is quiet for a couple seconds. Then she comes running out saying I pooped but this time she came out a little too early...she was not completely done going! So I in a panicked sounding kind of voice tell her to get back in the bathroom and wait for mommy! I try to hurry putting Gavin's diaper on, which is hard to do when he is kicking and squirming, but finally get in the bathroom to discover that she either filled her diaper and then took it off or didn't quite make it to the potty chair!

so that is our adventures in potty training so far this week!

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