Friday, November 14, 2008

New Goal!

I have really been slacking on a lot of things lately...keeping up on my blog, exercising, healthy eating and studying for the CPA! So my new goal is to blog, at a minimum, every other day, workout at least 3 times a week (hopefully 4), start studying on Monday and really try to watch what I eat! I really need to lose some weight and it isn't going to happen without putting some effort into it!

Updates on the kids...both are doing well. They have been in pretty good moods lately except mornings have been a little challenging! maybe they just aren't morning people!

Last weekend we celebrated Pat's, Pat's mom and his youngest brother's birthdays. His mom recently had knee surgery so I did all the cooking. I loved it. I like cooking but don't get much alone time to spend in the kitchen anymore so it was really nice to do some cooking with no kids hanging off my legs begging me to pick them up!

Before we headed to the birthday celebrations I attempted to make Pat's favorite chocolate cake (his mom's secret recipe) of course it did not turn out quite right but was closer than the last one I tried. After making the frosting I gave the beaters to the kids to enjoy. As you can see in the pictures they did enjoy!!

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