Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fun with Stickers!

The kids had lots of fun decorating my car for me with their stickers! We were on our way back from the play area at the mall and they kept themselves very busy! I was brave one night and took the kids by myself to the mall to run off some energy! I was happily surprised at how good they were...sometimes they run wild and don't listen to me!
Abby is now in her big girl bed! She likes her bed but she started last weekend not liking bedtime so she wants someone to sit in her room with her until she falls asleep and often wakes up in the middle of the night and ends up in our bed! Hopefully this is a stage that will soon pass!
Yesterday Gavin got sent home from daycare because he threw up. He continued throwing up until about 8 PM and then was fine. The weird thing is he really had no other symptoms than throwing up and he wanted to eat, he just couldn't keep any food down. I am hopeful he is the only one that gets it!

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