Thursday, January 15, 2009

Not a great start to 2009

Gavin was sick over the weekend with a fever and a cough. By Sunday night he was breathing very rapidly so I took him in to our doctor on Monday. The doctor put him on Predisolone to open up the lungs and make breathing easier for him and put him on an antibiotic. So he was home from daycare Monday and Tuesday. ON Tuesday morning daycare called and said Abby had a fever of 101.2 so she had to go home. She was home Tuesday and Wednesday! They are both back to daycare and I am back to work today, hopefully everyone stays healthy for awhile now!

Yesterday on Gavin's first day back for the week he was inseparable with his little friend Emma! I guess they were together all day and he even held her hand when she went potty!

Abby has started going potty on the potty chair again but not consistently! Maybe we are on the path to being potty trained! I am still not pushing it but if they ask to go I take them! which sometimes is every 30 minutes!

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